Forty-seven people have been caught and arrested in the first two weeks of a drink driving purge.

So far in their seasonal campaign to clamp down on drinking and driving, over 1,000 breath tests have been carried out by North Yorkshire police.

Chief Supt Colin Taylor, who is leading the operation, said: " We've breathalysed 25 per cent more people so far this year than at the same time last year."

Over 900 hours of police patrols have taken place across North Yorkshire's 6,000 miles of roads.

It included 143 hours using cameras in cars to catch road traffic offenders.

And in addition police had issued warnings, fixed penalty notices or court summonses to over 400 drivers for speeding and around 100 for seat-belt offences.

They have also caught over 50 motorists for using a mobile phone while driving and seized around 30 cars.

The drink-drive campaign continues throughout December.