Community building managers are being invited to save money and energy as well as do their bit for climate change - by reviewing how much power they use up.

Shipley Area Committee has come up with an energy audit and small-grants scheme to help reduce bills and cut community centres' carbon footprint on the planet.

The project is being managed as part of Bradford Environmental Action Trust's Climate Change mission.

BEAT Climate Change development worker Cathy Henwood said: "BEAT has been working to improve the local environment for local people for ten years now. Our new work with Shipley Area Committee will enable many to benefit from warmer centres with lower bills as well as being an important step in helping community buildings reduce their carbon footprint.

Councillor David Heseltine Shipley Area Committee chairman, said: "I am delighted that we are helping managers of local community buildings to help save energy and money as part of our response to resident concerns across the Shipley area.

"This initiative represents our resolve to take action, following our very successful Shipley Eco-Action Day in November. We are looking forward to hearing how this project progresses."

Energy and water audits will be carried out by Shearwater Environmental - local environmental audit experts - who will suggest energy reduction improvements with a small grant available where appropriate to pay for it.

The energy-saving programme will run until March.

Any community building managers interested in getting involved need to contact the BEAT Climate Change Team as soon as possible to see if they are eligible.

Telephone Cathy at BEAT on (01274) 718420 or email climate