Eco-aware youngsters at Nab Wood School put their gloves on and helped create a dedicated composter.

Waste from the school can now be disposed in the facility, which itself has been constructed from biodegradeable materials.

A school spokesman said: "The pupils enjoyed building the composter and finding out more about how waste can be recycled."

Meanwhile, householders in the Bradford area appear to be holding their own in the national drive to recycle more rubbish.

New Government figures reveal that more than 80 per cent of local authorities are collecting less waste than ever before.

A total of 94 per cent of local authorities recycled and composted more household waste in 2006/7 than in the previous 12 months.

Households in Bradford threw out 352kg of rubbish per person for collection, against the lowest amount, 180kg in South Somerset, and the highest, 449kg in South Lakeland, Cumbria.

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