Plans for three new schools are to be the subject of consultation as part of a bid to address the rising birth rate and influx of new families in parts of the district.

The Council's executive discussed proposals for new, larger schools on the current All Saints Primary site in Little Horton, the Chapel Grange Special School site in Allerton, and a third unidentified location in West Bowling.

Members approved the launch of a competition process for the three schools, including public consultation, and instructed officers to investigate the siting of a new school near Parkway.

They also agreed to consult on proposals to adjust intake numbers for some schools to cope with changing demand for places.

Plans are already underway to consult on increasing the admission number from 60 to 75 at Lidget Green Primary from September 2009.

Other proposals include reducing the admission number at Addingham Primary from 45 to 30, and from 210 to 180 at Nab Wood School from 2009.

Permission was also sought to consult on creating priority admission areas for Ben Rhydding, East Morton CE and Long Lee Primary schools, which are oversubscribed, and to change the shape of the priority admission areas for Grange Technology College and Feversham College.

Finally the executive agreed to tone down education targets for. Education Bradford, from 53 to 24 next year. Set attainment levels for different ethnic groups could also be abolished.