A raffle at the December meeting of a Masonic Lodge raised £225 for the Telegraph & Argus Listening for Life Appeal.

The money was collected by the Shakespeare and Equity Lodge No 1018.

The money will go towards the new Cochlear Implant Centre which is planned for Bradford Royal Infirmary. The new building will cost £2.5million and The Ear Trust, a charity set up to support the work of the Yorkshire Cochlear Implant Service at BRI has already raised £1million.

The Listening for Life Appeal aims to raise a further £1.5million for the state-of-the-art building which will bring all elements of the cochlear implant service under one roof.

Cochlear implants transform the lives of profoundly deaf people by opening up a hearing world to them again. The team has been performing cochlear implant surgery at BRI since 1990, serving the whole of Yorkshire, but it has now outgrown its current accommodation within BRI.