New research has revealed that Yorkshire businessmen and women are much less likely to miss Christmas Day due to a hectic work life, compared to the UK average.

A new study from Yorkshire Bank into work/life balance questioned 500 people up and down the country about how they balanced their work life with their home life.

When asked what important family events had been affected due to work commitments, only three per cent of businessmen and women in Yorkshire admitted to having actually missed Christmas Day and New Year's Eve, far less than the UK average of 11 per cent.

Kath Myers, regional director of Yorkshire Bank's financial solutions centres said: "If there was one day in the year that you'd expect most people to put work to one side, it would surely be Christmas Day.

"It is acknowledged that the UK has a culture of working longer hours than virtually all other European countries, and whilst many of the figures from this report make surprising reading, it's encouraging that businessmen and women in Yorkshire are far more likely to stick to the traditional festive family holidays, with only three per cent having missed either Christmas Day or New Year's Eve - far lower than the UK average."

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