Charges for Craven Council's car parks will not increase next year.

The council's policy committee has agreed that the fees will remain unchanged.

Current charges range from 90p an hour at High Street car park in Skipton to 50p an hour at North Street car park in Gargarve.

And the price for coaches parking in the High Street car park will be halved from £2.20 an hour to £1.10 an hour from April.

In a report to the policy meeting, car park manager Shane Reffin said: "Craven's car parks rank towards the middle range of car park charges that are levied across the local area."

There is also good news for people who purchase residents' parking permits.

Councillors went against a recommendation to increase their cost by 3.6 per cent and decided to keep them the same price. However, permits for non-residents will go up slightly.