Yorkshire Eye Hospital in Bradford has appointed Norman Litvin as clinical leader of a team of eye consultants set to offer a new, groundbreaking eye treatment.

Mr Litvin, 40, will lead a team of six consultant ophthalmologists at the hospital where the eye procedure will be provided.

The pioneering treatment, is called IOL VIP (intra-ocular lens for visually-impaired patients) and involves a miniature telescope being implanted in the eye.

The procedure gives hope to sufferers of macular degeneration - the most common cause of sight loss in the over 50s.

Mr Litvin is a founding consultant with the hospital, which is the region's only specialist eye hospital and has been treating patients since it was launched in 2003.

He said: "I am honoured to lead such a fantastic surgical team but I am also highly delighted to be able to offer this pioneering treatment which can restore vision in those for whom, up until now there has been no effective treatment."

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