Terrorvision, Victoria Hall, Saltaire.

After seeing the band's Lost Weekend re-union mini tour in November, there was no way I was going to pass on the offer to review the lads Very Merry Rock 'n' Roll Xmas gig at Saltaire's Victoria Hall.

What I like about Terrorvision is there's no half-measures. You go expecting to have a fantastic time and that's what you get! Mr Entertainment, Tony Wright, had the floor bouncing from the word go with Celebrity Hit List and other Terrorvision classics like American TV and Josephine.

The line-up was the same as the Lost Weekend tour with bassist Danny Boon making yet another awesome first team performance, standing in for original Lee Marklew, with Mark Yates belting guitar riffs and Shutty's drumming ensuring the prestigious old hall was well rocked!

Tony's banter between songs is worth the money on its own, remarking on his theory that "they only keep making cigarette lighters for songs like these. ballads" before breaking into Some People Say.

For their encore keyboard player Reverend Evans, dressed in a Santa suit, entertained us with Slade's Merry Xmas Everybody, whilst throwing gifts into the hungry crowd until Tony resumed vocals to end the night with Discotheque Wreck, Pretend Best Friend and crowd favourte Perseverance!

It wasn't quite a packed gig, you could have squeezed one or two more in, but it was a brilliant way to get the party season off to a good start. Even Sir Titus, on his perch in the doorway, looked like he would have approved of Bradford's finest.

If the band's going to make any new year's resolutions for 2008 I hope that it's to ensure the fans get to join in more of the Terrorvision experience.