A CLERIC from the Church of England has apologised after tweeting that the national clap for Captain Sir Tom Moore was an example of the "cult of white British nationalism."

The Reverend Jarel Robinson-Brown said he would not take part in last night’s effort to honour the Keighley-born fundraiser who died on Tuesday after testing positive for Covid-19.

He Tweeted: "The cult of Captain Tom is a cult of White British Nationalism. I will offer prayers for the repose of his kind and generous soul, but I will not be joining the “National Clap”.


But his tweet has now been deleted and yesterday the Diocese of London issued the following statement: “Jarel Robinson-Brown’s comments regarding Captain Sir Tom Moore were unacceptable, insensitive and ill-judged.

“The fact that he immediately removed his tweet and subsequently apologised does not undo the hurt he has caused, not least to Captain Tom’s family. Nor do Jarel’s actions justify the racial abuse he is now receiving.

“A review is now under way, led by the Archdeacon of London."

People all over the country did take to their doorsteps to clap on Wednesday night, including staff at Bradford Royal Infirmary.