Police in Calderdale are to receive an extra £9,000 funding to help tackle domestic violence over the Christmas period.

The money will go towards intelligence-led targeting of high risk domestic violence repeat offenders and the use of video recording to collect evidence at the scene.

Home Office minister Vernon Coaker announced today that the new enforcement campaign aims to increase reporting of domestic violence and reduce the level of repeat offending by bringing more offenders to justice.

He said: "Christmas for most is a time of fun and family, however, for some the emotional strain of the season can contribute to a rise in domestic violence.

"Police tell us there are about a third more incidents of domestic violence related assault recorded on Christmas Day than the daily average."

A total of £450,000 is being given to 50 police areas across the country, with five areas in Yorkshire and Humber receiving £9,000 each.

Domestic violence accounts for 15 per cent of all violent crime nationally and amounts to 31 per cent of all violence against women and five per cent against men.

Activities the money will be spent on will include specialised training for call handlers, the use of police call recordings in evidence and rapid response to domestic violence calls.