A warning has gone out to all NHS staff working in the community to be extra vigilant about their safety after an attempted robbery on a member of staff.

The worker from Bradford and Airedale Teaching Primary Care Trust was travelling by car between Leeds Road and Leeds Old Road when two men stopped the healthcare worker and got into the car.

They demanded the worker hand over valuables but fortunately two men in a car behind came to the rescue and the robber ran off.

In an e-mail to all staff Janet Cooper, risk manager at Bradford and Airedale tPCT, warns: "Although the incident occurred some way from any of our NHS premises it is being brought to the attention of all staff to urge you to be extra vigilant at all times.

"Please may I remind you to keep your car doors locked at all times and do not stop for anyone.

"If you see someone in distress you should carry on and stop in a safe place and call the appropriate authority to their assistance."