Talented young athletes from the Bradford district are set to benefit from £20,000 in funding thanks to a partnership between sports charity SportsAid and Bradford Council.

Working with SportsAid Yorkshire and Humberside, the Council's Sport and Leisure Service will provide financial support for athletes identified as having the potential to go on to compete at senior international level.

Youngsters will be nominated by the National Governing Body of Sport to apply for a share of the funding to help them realise their dreams and ambitions.

Council leader Kris Hopkins said: "With the 2012 Olympics now fast approaching, we were very keen to direct some funding towards local athletes who have the potential to become the best in their particular field.

"SportsAid is the perfect vehicle to allow us to do this. They are already working with sports governing bodies to identify talented athletes in the district.

"Our additional money will provide those athletes with even greater financial assistance to achieve their potential, representing the district on the national and hopefully international stages."

SportsAid's Rob Clarke said: "We are delighted that Bradford Council is working with us to support emerging talent in the region. This is an exciting opportunity to work together to give Bradford's gifted athletes a better chance of realising their sporting potential.

"Bradford has a long history of sporting excellence and this scheme will ensure the right support gets to the right athletes at the right time in their development."

The Bradford SportsAid bactive awards are a follow-on from Bradford Council's bactive awards which recognises people in the district who through their outstanding achievements encourage others to exercise and be more physically active.

They were introduced with the bactive campaign, which was launched by the Sport and Leisure Service in 2003 to raise awareness of the benefits that regular participation in physical activity and sport can bring.

The campaign has been a huge success with more than eight million people taking a dip at Council-owned pools or enjoying a work-out in its gyms.

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