More safe places for children to play in are set to be built across the district after the Government announced funding of £225 million to construct 3,500 playgrounds nationwide.

A Council spokesman said Bradford would receive more than £1 million to build new play areas and regenerate those in need of repair.

However, Adam Lincoln, playground development worker at Eccleshill Adventure Playground, said the city was already ahead of the game in providing safe and secure play areas.

The playground opened in October 2000 and has since provided children and teenagers aged eight to 19 with supervised access to outdoor activities.

Mr Lincoln said: "The main thing about Eccleshill playground is that it is children-led. The aim is to provide the sort of activities that we used to take part in as children years ago but are now dying out because children do not play outside like they used to.

"We try to facilitate exactly what the young people want to do. Children develop and progress through taking risks. They do not take those risks by sitting in front of a computer screen."

The site includes a 30ft treehouse, large climbing frame, dens, large swing, outdoor cooking area and indoor play facilities. It is open from 3.30pm to 5.30pm on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays but is set to open five days a week from next April. Children and young people are welcome to use the facility and booking is not necessary.

On the Government's announcement, Catherine Ross, Play England programme and development manager for Yorkshire and Humber, said: "From a regional perspective the extra cash equates to providing approximately 23 new playgrounds per local authority area. Some of these may include the refurbishment of existing playgrounds.

"There will also be funds for 30 additional playgrounds across the country next year aimed at disadvantaged areas, so Bradford will also have the opportunity to bid for one of these. It is very exciting news because it is the first sum of Government money to be given directly to the play sector."