Bradford and Leeds should work closer together to become the new Newcastle-Gateshead, a minister has urged.

Yorkshire minister Caroline Flint made the admission after the Telegraph & Argus questioned her over concerns Leeds was taking centre stage in the region and Bradford was being forgotten.

Ms Flint denied claims Bradford was being pushed to one side with money being ploughed into Leeds.

She said: "Some of the work done in Newcastle and Gateshead is an example of where two important city areas have found a way to work together."

Mrs Flint said she wants to work to ensure people stay in the region but do not see Leeds as the central point.

"We need people to think my scope is bigger than just one city and that is something we need to grow for our region," Ms Flint said.

"It worries me that people think if I am not working in Leeds where else would I work in Yorkshire?'. We have other cities and towns that are vibrant offering highly skilled and quality jobs."

The work and pensions minister said a recent visit to Bradford showed a lot was happening in the city.