Police are liaising with hospital security staff after a doctor was mugged as he left work.

The 31-year-old man was walking along a ginnel near Bradford Royal Infirmary when he was approached by a group of five or six men who grabbed him and went through his pockets.

The robbers stole a hand-held computer, mobile phone and pager, worth about £600, as well as paperwork, before running off towards Smith Lane. The doctor was uninjured but shaken.

Detective Inspector Noel Devine, of Bradford North CID, said a lot of crime prevention work had been done at the BRI and crime reduction officers were working with hospital security staff following the robbery just before 6pm on Wednesday.

One of the suspects was an Afro-Caribbean man aged between 17 and 22, about 6ft tall, muscular, very dark skinned, with short dark curly hair. He was wearing a dark hooded top, dark tracksuit bottoms and gloves.

Another man was white, aged about 20, about 5ft 8ins and wearing a light grey hooded top and gloves. A third man was 5ft 10ins with dark clothing.

Anyone with information is asked to contact Bradford North CID on (01274) 376259.