Burglars were disturbed when a girl arrived home from school as they ransacked the house.

Laura Chawla, 14, had just got back to the house in Woodhall Lane, Woodhall, Pudsey, with two friends when they saw someone was in the house and the burglar alarm was going off.

At least one intruder fled through the back garden.

Laura's father, Vinod Chawla, 58, a semi-retired insurance broker in Bradford, said Laura's £400 laptop computer, an iPOD player, mobile phone and a £500 watch had been stolen but the raiders had left other items.

He said: "In one sense it is a good thing Laura got back when she did because she probably disturbed them.

"But I'm just glad she had the common sense not to go in the house.

"She rang me to tell me what was happening and I dashed back home.

"I was very worried about her. She was upset and frightened and crying."

North-West Leeds Police are investigating the burglary. Anyone with information is asked to contact them on 0845 6060606.