A Bradford actor who has starred in the world's longest-running sitcom for more than 20 years is to make villagers in Wilsden stars of the screen.

Filming began yesterday for a comedy entitled "Ouch" (Onley United Community Hall) which is being directed by Bradford actor Ken Kitson.

Mr Kitson, of Thornton, stars as a policeman in the BBC's Last of the Summer Wine and has taken up roles in most soaps, including Coronation Street, but his big break came after taking acting classes in Wilsden.

Now, as a gesture to the place which helped kick-start his career, he is producing a one-hour comedy sitcom which will depict village life.

Much of the filming has been undertaken at Wilsden Village Hall but footage of Wilsden Gala and events held in the hall, including line dancing, tea dances and auctions, will be edited in to the piece. And, budding actors from the village have taken up major roles, including teacher Karen Parkes, who will play a drama teacher called "Charley". Lisa Blakey will depict a librarian, while Paul Hall plays a poet.

The project was given a £1,000 boost from Wilsden Parish Council and everyone, apart from the cameraman, has given up their time for free. It is hoped the film will be ready by the end of February next year. It will then be shown around village halls in Yorkshire and Mr Kitson hopes to re-coup the £1,000 to give back to the parish council.

Mr Kitson said: "When I put the idea to the parish council, I said this is for the community, about the community and by the community, and that got me my money!

"I had been teaching acting in the village for seven years before this project and I still run classes. It's just given me a chance to give something back to the community."

And, this could just be the start of the actor's film-making career. His life-long dream of bringing his script "Fistful of Dreams" to the screen could become a reality.

He says he is in talks with investors for the £4 million he needs for a romantic comedy western, which would be filmed in and around Bradford.

e-mail: mel.fairhurst@bradford.newsquest.co.uk