FLOOD alerts remain in places across the Bradford district today as Storm Christoph continues to batter the North.

Alerts have been in place since Storm Christoph first hit yesterday morning, and the weather front is expected to remain until midnight.

People have been warned that heavy rain and melting snow in the hills could combine to cause flooding further downstream, and those who live in areas at risk of flooding to "get ready".

Flood alerts are currently in place on the River Aire, River Worth and River Spen in the district due to the storm.

The Flood Information Service said: "River levels are forecast to continue to remain elevated as a result of persistent rainfall.

"Further rainfall is expected throughout today which will elevate river levels further. Consequently, flooding of property, roads and farmland is possible. Areas most at risk are low lying land, roads and farmland.

"Our field teams have checked defences and cleared screens ahead of the rainfall and we are liaising closely with our partners to ensure they are ready to respond.

"Please put your flood plan into action and activate any property flood protection products you may have, such as flood barriers and air brick covers.

"Avoid using low lying footpaths near watercourses and plan driving routes to avoid roads which may be flooded."

The service said a further update will be provided at 10.30am.