A decision to forge ahead with the regeneration of the Leeds-Bradford corridor will be made at Bradford Council's next executive meeting.

Members will decide whether to take forward further joint working between Bradford Council and Leeds City Council to regenerate the nine-mile corridor that stretches between the two cities.

It will also decide whether to agree to a budget of £50,000 a year for two years from each authority and to employ someone to take the scheme forward.

It is proposed that Bradford Council identifies the money as part of the Local Authority Business Growth Initiative (LABGI) budget process.

Work on a regeneration study was completed in July this year and identified possible levels of investment requirements at up to £18 million over a 10-year period.

It also earmarked five areas of work that could be carried out between the two cities. These include: employment sites and economic development; local connectivity; future housing growth and affordability; skills and employment.

A joint bid from Bradford and Leeds councils and other partners to the Government's Northern Housing Challenge Programme looking at innovative housing proposals for the area was submitted during the study.

Should it be successful, it would see an investment of £28 million between 2008 and 2013 that would see 1,000 new homes either for sale or rent and create 50 permanent jobs and 50 training places.

Bradford Council's executive member for regeneration Councillor Andrew Mallinson said: "Developing and regenerating the nine-mile Leeds-Bradford corridor has huge potential and would make a significant impact on our economy and also boost our partnership working with Leeds.

"Creating better transport links, providing better houses and living conditions, and utilising skills and employment from the two cities will really complement the other regeneration schemes taking place throughout the Bradford district."

The meeting takes place on Tuesday at City Hall from 2pm.