A terrified prostitute locked herself in a bathroom fearing three men who paid her for sex were about to attack and rape her, a court was told today.

A jury heard a tape recording of her screams as she begged an emergency operator to send the police quickly.

Jaroslav Baca, 38, denies robbery at his home in Washington Street, Girlington, Bradford, on March 10.

Prosecutor Peter Hampton alleged Baca was driving a silver Mondeo that picked up Tameena Zephyr from Wigan Street, off Thornton Road, Bradford, at about 4.45am.

Mr Hampton told Bradford Crown Court that Baca, from the Czech Republic, was one of three men in the car offering to pay Miss Zephyr £20 each for sex.

Miss Zephyr agreed and was taken to Washington Street.

Mr Hampton said two of the men paid her £20 for sex in a bedroom.

She performed a sex act on the third man, alleged by the Crown to be Baca, but he was unable to have intercourse.

Mr Hampton said Miss Zephyr got dressed and prepared to leave but events "turned sour".

Miss Zephyr was prevented from leaving the house and forced to hand all the money back.

She was escaping from the house just as the police arrived. Officers described her as "distressed and shaken".

Miss Zephyr told the jury all three men in the car were Eastern European.

She said that after the third man demanded his money back, another of the men blocked the front door.

She went to the back door, found it locked, and ran upstairs and bolted herself in the bathroom.

She rang the police on her mobile phone saying: "I can't get out. They are trying to get to me."

Miss Zephyr is heard shouting to someone to go away.

The jury heard her crying, screaming and begging for help.

Mr Hampton said Baca told police he had been drinking with two Slovakian men.

They went back to his house and he admitted kicking in the bathroom door.

The trial continues.