The water slides at Richard Dunn Sports Centre are to close on Saturday so essential maintenance work can take place.

The slides will then be re-opened on Thursday, December 27.

The pool is unaffected by this work and will be open as usual, as will all other facilities including the Clubactive gym.

The work is needed after over 75,000 people used the slides between October 2006 and December 2007.

Head of sport and leisure at Bradford Council, Steve Warner, said: "I realise that many of our customers will be disappointed that our slides will be unavailable for a short time during the Christmas period but it is essential this work is carried out.

"Undertaking this work at this time of year caused the minimum disruption to our customers and ensures that they are good and ready in good working order for the New Year when we expect to be very busy once again."

And to mark the New Year, the Council is helping people get fit in 2008 by offering a discounted year's membership of £333 at Richard Dunn Sports Centre, The Leisure Centre Keighley and Thornton Recreation Centre until February 10, which is a 20 per cent saving on the normal price.

The offer is part of the Council's b active campaign.