A new surgical technique pioneered in Bradford which can reduce the need for women to have a hysterectomy has won a national award.

Bradford is the only place in the country to run the abnormal uterine bleeding service in a primary care setting, meaning women can be treated as day cases - going home an hour after surgery.

The medical team who perform the technique - known as Novasure endometrial ablation - have just been announced as joint winners of the NICE (National Institute for Clinical Excellence) Shared Learning Award.

The prestigious award recognises innovative services where NICE guidance and evidence-based practice is implemented.

Endometrial ablation and a range of other gynaecological investigations and treatments are performed at Bradford's Westwood Park Diagnostic and Treatment Centre by local GP with a special interest (GPwSI) Dr Anne Connolly and nurse hysteroscopist, sister Helen Ludkin, working in partnership with Dr Sian Jones, consultant obstetrician and gynaecologist, who works at Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.

While other local providers of endometrial ablation techniques offer the procedure only under general anaesthetic in a hospital setting, Westwood Park DTC offers it using a local anaesthetic.

The treatment has been extremely successful, with patients delighted at how much it has changed their lives. Without the symptoms of abnormally heavy periods they are now able to arrange holidays or start new jobs. Forty women have been treated, with only one requiring further surgery.

Dr Anne Connolly said the NICE award was fantastic recognition of the team's work and the success of delivering surgery closer to people's homes.