A teetotal MP has demanded supermarkets be allowed to keep selling cheap booze.

Shipley MP Philip Davies, right, told the commons it was unfair for his constituents, many who buy alcohol in the supermarket and drink responsibly, to pay more simply to cover the minority who are drinking irresponsibly.

Speaking in a debate on cheap alcohol and the consequences, MPs argued for tighter restrictions and higher prices in supermarkets , but it was the Tory MP, who does not drink, who sparked controversy by arguing for people's right to choose.

He said: "It is not fair my law-abiding constituents should be punished. There is a problem with young people and drinking but those are a few. Why should people be punished?"

Instead, Mr Davies called on the Govern-ment to crack down on people buying alcohol under 18.

"Perhaps there should be tougher sentences for the under-18s who try to buy the alcohol," he said.

The call comes days after health chiefs in Bradford pledged an extra £410,000 on services to help people with alcohol problems.

The money will be spent on increasing detoxification services, including inpatient beds, medically-enhanced detox programmes and aftercare services, such as counselling.