Bradford Council's executive will make a decision next week on the best way to deliver a Park at the Heart in the city centre.

Senior councillors will meet on Tuesday to consider the options for taking the scheme forward after a bid to the Big Lottery Fund's Living Landmarks programme failed to win support.

At an emergency meeting held at the end of last month, members of the executive asked for a report outlining the costs to develop and deliver a mirror pool and city centre park.

Chief executive Tony Reeves was also authorised to negotiate with Yorkshire Forward and English Partnerships to fund the cost of developing the project through to the detailed design stage.

The report recommends that the scheme presented to the lottery be continued in the same form, with an estimated cost of £24m for the park.

Councillor Andrew Mallinson, the Council's executive member for regeneration, said; "The people of the Bradford district showed tremendous support and input into the Park at the Heart plans and we are determined to explore every possible way to deliver what they want.

"The chief executive, Tony Reeves, has already been in negotiations with Yorkshire Forward and English Partnerships about our options to fund the scheme and this meeting will allow us to discuss the best way forward to deliver it."

A foundation has also been set up to help raise £3 million towards the scheme was.

The meeting takes place at City Hall from 2pm.