An art teacher has been nominated for an award created to reward excellence in further education.

Susan Ross, of Addingham, runs fitness and art classes in the village and Bradford, as well as producing her own work for exhibitions.

She had been nominated by one of her former students for an Excellence in Teaching, Training and Learning Star Award, given by the Government's Quality Improvement Agency. She is one of just ten finalists.

Mrs Ross said: "I was nominated towards the end of the last academic year, before Bradford College, for whom I had worked since 1991, let me take voluntary redundancy in July.

"I now run my own class in Addingham, where I live."

The winners of the awards will be announced in London later this month.

"I feel thrilled to be nominated, especially as it came from a student. It's great to get recognition, although to be honest my students are always appreciative," said Susan.

Mrs Ross, 55, of Victoria Terrace, completed a Fine Art degree at Chelsea School of Art and first taught in a comprehensive in Bradford.

After taking time off to bring up three children, she had the opportunity to teach in adult education.

She said: "I love it. My favourite thing is to teach people to draw who have been told at school years earlier that they can't draw for toffee or they're just wasting the paper."