TELEGRAPH & Argus readers have had their say on today's news the Prime Minister has made major rule changes to the planned Christmas bubble.

Boris Johnson announced this afternoon that for Bradford and the majority of the country the five-day Christmas bubble has been cut to just one day - Christmas Day - and Professor Chris Whitty added that gatherings should be "short, small and local".

However in London and parts of the South East and the East of England where Covid-19 infections have skyrocketed new Tier 4 rules have been brought in, banning any mixing of households over Christmas, forcing non-essential shops and gyms to shut, and banning travel in and out of the Tier 4 areas.

You have been having your say on today's announcement on Facebook.

Charlotte Wells-Preston said: "At least he has given us notice unlike Eid. Just enjoy your Christmas as best you can and stay safe for yourselves and others."

Karen Davison added: "It may be cancelled we can only see certain family members on Christmas day, what about us care workers NHS workers who work Christmas Day and have their Christmas on Boxing Day which means no family at all."

Wayne Kondri is in a similar position. He said: "We were going to have our Christmas Day on Boxing Day due the other half doing the Christmas day shift at the hospital."

Sheila Bee said: "Bojo & co are a joke, they have no idea what they are doing!"

Maria Shen said she thinks people may rebel against the rules due to the change coming at such short notice.

She added: "This is so wrong in so many ways; so you've given people weeks to plan and now your saying it's cancelled? We were going into lockdown anyway after Christmas we all know that.

"There is going to be so many gatherings cos people have had enough!"