BRADFORD Council has put plans in place to help struggling families get extra support this winter from the government’s Covid Winter Grant Scheme.

The Council was allocated almost £2.3 million from the £170 million national programme by the Department for Work and Pensions.

The scheme is designed to help ensure that local children, families and vulnerable individuals do not go hungry or without utilities and other essential items this winter.

The Council is working with schools and a range of community and voluntary sector organisations across the district to make sure the help is directed where it is most needed.

The majority of the money will go towards preventing school children from going hungry.

The money will also be targeted towards care leavers, vulnerable groups such as refuges and asylum seekers and Roma communities and households struggling with utility costs.

TIER 3: Bradford Council demands more support for businesses

Money has been made available to voluntary and community groups to tackle school holiday hunger for the Christmas and New Year break and the February half-term.

Over 50 organisations have already successfully applied for grant funding and are expected to provide more than 160,000 meals to more than 7,000 families.

Grants are also being provided to faith groups and organisations working with underrepresented groups, including BAME, LGBTQ+, refugees and asylum seekers, Central and Eastern European and Roma communities, to support those struggling to afford food.

Young care leavers will receive money to help with food and fuel bills.

Young care leavers who are parents will get extra support and care leavers who are moving into a new home will receive starter packs including essential items such as warm bedding and microwave.

Low-income families with pre-school children only, who could miss out on some of the other schemes, will receive direct support from the council to help pay their gas, electric or water bills this winter.

The Leader of Bradford Council, Councillor Susan Hinchcliffe, said: “No child should be going hungry or living in a home with no heating or other essentials.

“Throughout the pandemic it has been our priority to look after our most vulnerable residents and we are determined to use this money to make sure every child in Bradford district is warm and well-fed this Christmas and winter period and that those struggling are supported.

“Our schools, community organisations and voluntary groups know our diverse communities well and by working with them, we can make sure this help gets to those who need it most.”