THE Leader of Bradford Council has called for more financial support to be provided to businesses in the district following the announcement keeping Bradford in Tier 3 restrictions over Christmas.

Councillor Susan Hinchcliffe said the decision by Government was "finely balanced" but now further financial support must be provided to businesses who are missing out on vital seasonal income they would usually rely on over Christmas.

Cllr Hinchcliffe has also urged people to take care over Christmas to avoid a surge in cases and any more needless deaths from Covid-19.

She said: “We had put in a submission last week to go into Tier 2 given that our infection rates are much reduced from what they were.

"However in recent days we have seen a levelling off of the decline and therefore Government’s decision was finely balanced.

"None of us want to see the infection rate rise quickly again. We have to save lives and protect our NHS.

“The Government must recognise though that maintaining Very High restrictions for so long has had a devastating impact on our local economy.

"I repeat my ask from earlier this week that the Government must prioritise providing financial support and assistance to sustain businesses and jobs in our district.

"The hospitality sector has now missed out on vital revenue over the Christmas period. I have also asked Public Health England to provide evidence that this tiered approach is having the desired impact because there is a clear economic cost to using economic restrictions to reduce health infections.

“What is vitally important over the next two weeks is that everyone in our district follows the restrictions and minimises contact as much as possible.

"I already expressed concern a few weeks ago about the Government’s easing of restrictions at Christmas.

"Whilst I don’t want to be a killjoy, it would be devastating for our district to see another surge in cases which would keep us in Tier 3 in January and beyond.  Please limit your social interactions this Christmas.

“Enjoy the festive period but do so safely. Remember Hands Face Space so that you help protect your loved ones and your community and so that we can emerge in 2021, with a vaccine, in a better place to beat the virus.”

Bradford was placed under tighter local restrictions on the eve of Eid during the summer, and has been under stricter rules ever since. 

The next date that the tiered system is due to be reviewed is December 30, the day before New Year's Eve.