An investigation into an incident where a plane overran the runway at Leeds-Bradford Airport in 2005 says that a mechanical failure was to blame.

The report, compiled by the Air Accidents Investigation Branch of the Department of Transport, found that the Jordanian Airbus 320 aircraft suffered a loss of braking' in the incident on May 18 2005. The plane which carried around 170 passengers skidded and ended up on a grassy area beyond runway 14.

In a report published today the AAIB found that the crew of the flight were unfamiliar with the airport but that the plane was below maximum landing weight and had not been travelling excessively fast.

The report said the braking system malfunctioned, "causing the loss of almost all braking effect."

The procedure set in place for such an eventuality was not completed and that if the procedure had been completed, "it should have been possible to stop the aircraft on the runway."

The report said there were a number of other anomalies with the brake system, some of which had resulted in previous accidents.

Nobody was seriously injured in the incident and all 171 passengers were evacuated.