A clampdown on drivers who flout the drink-driving rules and drive while under the influence of drugs, has already snared 31 people.

They were caught among the 774 breath tests carried out by North Yorkshire police in the first six days of the 95 Alive campaign.

Drivers were tested after a variety of suspected offences and accidents, as well as when flagged down at static check points.

Police are paying particular attention to "morning after the night before" offenders, said Deputy Chief Constable Adam Briggs.

Of those tested since the launch on Saturday, December 1, 27 drivers were arrested for being over the drink-drive limit and a further four for driving after taking drugs.

He said: "Driving while under the influence of drink or drugs shows a total disregard for the law and puts the lives of other road users at risk.

"There is simply no excuse for it and those who are caught should expect to suffer the full consequences of their foolish actions."

The 95 Alive campaign - named after the target of saving 95 lives between 2005 and 2010 - involves a partnership of agencies working together to reduce fatalities and accidents on North Yorkshire roads. It runs until January 2.