Four possible options on where to build 50,000 new homes across the district have been drawn up to meet the Government targets.

Bradford Council was told two months ago that the Regional Spatial Strategy, which will become law in March, has dramatically increased the housing demands on Bradford.

The draft version said 31,420 homes should be built over the next 15 years. But an amendment in September increased the number to 54,840 over 20 years. About 4,000 properties have been completed, leaving the Council needing to find space for 50,000 homes by 2026. It also nearly doubles the yearly target from 1,390 to 2,700.

Councillor Anne Hawkesworth, the Council's executive member for environment and culture, believes it could lead to developers cherry-picking the sites that can be developed, if no planning is done.

She said: "The Government will most likely override our objections to numbers and insist that the required targets are implement. If this happens and we do not have a plan in place, we will be completely at the mercy of developers and the inspectors. This will no doubt mean cherry-picking greenfield sites, ignoring the crucial to be regenerated' areas and destroying the green environment."

Council planners have identified four possible ways of dividing up the building across the district and want to consult on these early next year as part of the Local Development Framework. The core strategy was put out for comments early this year, but the increase in housing targets means it needs to be done again.

They also want Bradford to be identified as a regional city - not a sub-regional city - as this has implications for investment priorities. Coun Hawkesworth is concerned about wording in the RSS which states that public transport "to and within Leeds" should be improved - and does not refer to Bradford.

Both matters will be discussed at the Council's meeting of the executive which takes place at City Hall next Tuesday.

Coun Hawkesworth said: "If these numbers are forced on us, the impact is going to be horrific."