Developers behind an £8million shopping centre in Bingley have submitted new designs after civic guardians branded the proposed development cheap'.

Bingley Civic Trust have again criticised plans for the 5Rise project - set to replace the Myrtle Walk shopping centre - as "Las Vegas on a bad day."

As reported in the Telegraph & Argus, chairman Eileen Sinclair said Bingley deserved better and revealed the trust had objected to the first proposals. Since she spoke out, new plans have been submitted to planners at Bradford Council.

The designers have done away with the proposed red and white cedar wood panels on the front of the 16-metre tall building and replaced them with more low-key features.

After the revised plans were submitted, Mrs Sinclair, 81, said: "It would have to be more than a minor change before I change my mind.

"I will not be here in 30 years time, but I want something there that is architecturally elegant and people will appreciate. This design looks like Las Vegas on a bad day."

Richard Holmes, who lives in Bingley and is a partner in 4Urban, said the developers had consulted residents about the complex.

He said: "We hope the amended plans will be well received. I am very passionate about this development - Bingley is my home town and I only want what is best.

"We want to deliver a retail and residential destination Bingley will be proud of. We also hope 5rise will be an instrumental part of the regeneration process here."

The developers have warned if they are not given the green light, residents will be stuck with a less-developed scheme.

Halladale Group PLC won an appeal to refurbish the centre earlier this year, including the removal of the roof.

The centre was taken over by 4Urban and if their plans fall flat with planners, the Halladale scheme will be carried out for financial reasons Mrs Sinclair said: "Saying we will be stuck with another scheme is twisting people's arms. It is a threat."

Despite objections, some have welcomed the scheme.

Kay Adams from Bingley Business Watch said: "Business in the town has been in decline and the proposal will be a major boost for all traders. It is wonderful someone wishes to invest so heavily in Bingley."

Bradford Council planners are set to determine the scheme on Thursday. If permission is granted, work will start in the spring and should take 18 months.