A 24-year-old man whose behaviour led to an armed response unit being called to a Bradford estate has denied intending to scare anyone.

Gary Marshman is alleged to have been aiming a weapon, which turned out to be a toy pellet gun at motorists and houses.

But giving evidence at Bradford Crown Court, Marshman said he could give no explanation for why he had been firing off pellets as he walked from Westcombe Cort, Wyke, to Buttershaw Drive in July.

His barrister Gerald Hendron asked: "Were you aiming at people to hit people." "No," said Marshman.

"The allegation is that you were deliberately, intentionally, using this gun not just to shoot at anything you could see but to scare people. Were you intending to try to scare people?'' said Mr Hendron. "It's a lie," replied Marshman.

Marshman accepted that people might have been frightened but he maintained that he was not aware of that at the time.

When Mr Hendron asked his client why he had fired at a school minibus Marshman replied: "I don't know."

Marshman has denied a charge of possessing an imitation firearm with intent to cause fear of violence. Jurors are expected to retire tomorrow to consider their verdict.