A RETROSPECTIVE application to allow a cricket club building to be used as a pre-school and scout hut has been approved by Bradford Council.

After the closure of Sandy Lane Methodist Church, Sandy Lane Pre-School and the local Scout Group agreed terms to use the pavilion building and grounds of Sandy Lane Cricket Club.

The pre-school began using the premises without planning permission in February.

Enforcement officers at the Council made the school, which has around 24 children, aware that the building could not be used as a pre-school without planning permission for a change of use.

Retrospective application for take away at mill site submitted

In September a retrospective application to allow this use to continue was submitted to Bradford Council, and the application has now been approved by officers.

The plans had said: "The pre-school carried out safety work i.e., new fire safety systems, intercom camera, safety door locks, re decorating, new roof insulation and flooring making sure the pavilion was fit for not only pre -School but the scout and beavers clubs who had also

lost their premises.

"It was a genuine mistake and they thought the use was included in the current use class. No one made the pre-school aware planning permission was required."