Former Bradford City player John Hendrie also played for Coventry City, Newcastle United, Leeds United, Middlesbrough and Barnsley where he was also manager. John now works as a sports consultant with LCF Sports Law, a division of leading law firm Last Cawthra Feather.

Q Why does football grip the world so much? It has been described as "balletic" to watch and to some fans it's the most important thing in their lives. What is it about this sport more than any other that captures our imagination and passion?

A In my opinion it's the best sport in the world. It's the people's game. You can sit in a room with different cultures and classes and mention football and everyone is on the same level. The excitement, passion, commitment and controversy of goals, matches, players, managers and officials at either domestic or international level make it such a pull for all supporters.

Q Footballers are often criticised for earning a lot of money and not always "delivering the goods" on the pitch. This hit home recently with the England team's poor performance against Croatia. Do you think footballers' extremely high wages for essentially doing a sport they love can ever be justified?

A I don't think players' wages can be justified these days and I am sure that most players will tell you that. However, it is a short career and if the clubs are willing to pay those salaries then of course the players will take it. Since the Bosman ruling and the introduction of Sky TV, the balance of power has changed from the clubs to the players.

Q Who would pick as England manager and why?

A Martin O'Neill would be my choice for manager. He has the best man management skills, doesn't complicate things and gets the most out of his players. He knows the game inside out and has achieved brilliantly at all of his clubs. Having said that, being Scottish I was quite happy with your previous guys!

Q What is the best piece of advice you have been given?

A I joined Coventry City as an apprentice footballer and the late Jim Holton gave me advice many times, but the one thing I really remember him saying is: "You meet the same people coming down as you do on your way up" and I think everyone should remember that!

Q What is the most expensive thing you have bought, not including property?

A Craig Hignett! When I was at Barnsley FC as player/manager, I bought Craig. A great deal, after giving them sterling service, he was later sold on for 50 per cent profit!