A RETROSPECTIVE planning application for a take away in a mill complex has been submitted to Bradford Council - days after officers issued an enforcement notice against the development.

The small take away building was built as an attachment to the Gatehouse building of Greenhill Mills, on Florence Street and off Leeds Road and was completed in May 2019.

But the works were carried out without planning permission, and this led to the enforcement notice being issued last month, demanding the structure be demolished.

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But now Nazir Hussain has submitted a retrospective application for the business, which in effect pauses any enforcement action until a decision has been made.

The application says: "The Building is of a low- level design single storey construction and falls below the eaves level of the larger Gatehouse adjoining buildings and therefore is not in a prominent position within the Mill complex of buildings."

A decision on the application is expected before the end of the year.