Grace Notes have been together for 14 years but still get excited about finding new songs to perform.

They are passionate about unearthing both classics from the folk tradition and the best by today's song writers.

The best ones have made it into the renowned Keighley harmony trio's set over the past few years. And now fans can get excited too because their live favourites have finally been consigned to disc.

Grace Notes - Maggie Boyle, Helen Hockenhull and Lynda Hardcastle - have recorded their first album in six years. They launched the CD, Northern Tide, on Sunday, at the New Variety Club, in Keighley.

The title is not only one of the album's keynote songs but sums up the collection's nautical theme. There's Dylan's When the Boat Comes and a moving version of Mingulay Boat Song. Then there are two sea songs from Donovan's album Gift From A Flower To The Garden.

Linda Kelly, writer of the album's title track, joined the band at the club for the launch.

Some of the tracks were recorded by Mike Hockenhull at Brook Row Studios in Oakworth, and the CD cover photo is by Amy Hield, of Haworth.

Maggie said: "There's no deliberate theme but it's ended up with a strong infusion of salt water."

The album mixes songs from writers like Richard Thompson, Loudon Wainwright and Keighley-based Steve Tilston. There are also powerful works by lesser-known writers, a country ditty from 1904 and tracks drawn from the folk tradition.

Helen said the mix of songs reflected Grace Notes's long-time balance between contemporary and traditional material. She said: "We have always sought songs from a variety of composers and we are extremely pleased with the title track."

Lynda said: "We each bring songs to Grace Notes but we only perform and record them if all three of us love them. I think our choice reflects the deep love we all have for traditional songs and the stories they tell."

Maggie said there had been increasing demands for recorded versions of songs from the live set. She said: "The CD is at least 18 months overdue for lots of reasons."

Of the three women only Maggie is a full-time professional folk artist - Helen and Lynda are teachers. Helen said this meant the group could not play as many concerts each year as fully professional groups.

But she added: "We do continue to sell the other three albums, especially at festivals. I'm hopeful this album will sell equally well."

As Grace Notes, the three women tour occasionally, play festivals and perform regularly across the north of England. The group will play gigs to promote the new CD when it is released by Proper Distribution early in the New Year.

  • Northern Tide will be released by Fellside Recordings, via Proper Distribution, in the New Year.