A cash-strapped congregation is praying developers can build flats in their church in exchange for upgrading the remaining space for the community.

Three-quarters of the late 19th century Christ Church in Windhill looks set to be developed for ten flats.

In return, the congregation will be given about £200,000 by developers Byre Homes to bring the rest of the site in line with the 21st century.

The Rev Sarah Jemison, who has been at the church for 11 years, is backing the plans, along with North East Windhill Community Association.

Mrs Jemison said the move was being supported by bosses of the church, which is used for both Methodist and Anglican worship.

Mrs Jemison said: "The church is absolutely freezing cold and uncomfortable but the congregation want to continue to meet there.

"In exchange for the apartments, we will have a new church community space. The area will be flexible and comfortable, where regular worship, weddings and baptisms can still take place. But, it will be also be a place for the community and groups to meet.

"The groups which currently meet, including brownies and beavers, food co-op and the play and learn zone, will be found alternative premises while the work is being undertaken."

The new community space will cost about £350,000 and the shortfall will be met from other funding sources.

A new entrance will be created for occupants of the flats, along with a car park. Spaces will also be available for parishioners, who currently do not have any car parking.

It is envisaged the church space will be developed before the flats.

Mrs Jemison said: "We are praying there will be no hitches, this scheme seems to have been quite straight-forward."

The plans come following the introduction of Windhill Community Centre 18 months ago.

Kath Quin, Community development worker at the centre, said: "We need some more community space and that is why this development is really important to the community."

Work could start early next year and should be completed by November 2008. The plans will be on display at the church on Sunday, from 2pm to 4pm, and on December 11, from 10am to 2pm.

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