An MP believes young girls are still prey to being groomed by teenage boys into taking part in sex rings with older men.

Ann Cryer admits she has no direct evidence, but suspects it is still going on in Keighley.

A number of Keighley Asian men were arrested and served time in prison following a Keighley police investigation into sex grooming - dubbed Operation Parsonage - about four years ago.

Mrs Cryer has welcomed a video backed by the Home Office which has been made in a bid to tackle the crime.

The video, jointly funded by the UK Internal Trafficking Group, will go to schools and youth groups to warn young people of the risk of so-called "internal trafficking".

Mrs Cryer said: "I have received claims that it is still going on in Keighley although nobody has told me anything directly - it is hearsay.

"The young boys are not the worse aspect of this - the worse aspect is that these girls are handed on to older men. They are the wicked ones because they know precisely what it is about - they are just after sex."

She did not believe the girls were being lured into a life of prostitution but were being used for sex by an extended family group.

Keighley Labour councillor Angela Sinfield said: "I hope this initiative has a positive effect and is beneficial to the future of young women."

A Home Office spokesman said: "There is no evidence to suggest that internal trafficking is a big problem in the UK. It is a relatively new form of organised crime that is now coming to our attention."