BRADFORD Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust has updated its guidance on visiting arrangements for its maternity unit.

Here's what you need to know:

Labour ward and Birth Centre

For all women: One birth partner (all birth partners must be free of Covid-19 symptoms) can attend for support for the whole of labour, birth and the immediate postnatal period (this is usually a few hours). The birth partner cannot be swapped and the Trust asks that they wear a face mask at all times.

Birth partners can attend planned and emergency theatre births unless there are exceptional emergency circumstances (these circumstances are very rare and would be explained at the time).

Maternity Assessment Centre/Antenatal Day Unit

Women must attend for assessment on the Maternity Assessment Unit and Antenatal Day Unit on their own. If you need to be moved to the Labour Ward or Birth Centre, the Trust has said birth partners will be brought in immediately.

Partners can join assessments ‘virtually’ via facetime/video call or speaker phone.

Antenatal clinic appointments

All antenatal clinic appointments must be attended by the woman only and the Trust asks that women wear a face mask to their appointment. Partners can use facetime/video call/speaker phone to join the consultation.

Antenatal scans

One adult can attend the 12-week dating scan, ideally this person should be the birthing partner or from the same household or bubble. The Trust asks that both wear a mask at all times, all other scans must be attended alone.

Induction on Labour Ward

The Trust said: "Please be assured we will call your birth partner to attend as soon as you are being moved to our Labour Ward. Your partner can stay in touch via facetime/video call or speaker phone during the induction process."

Wards M3 and M4

To pre-arrange a one hour visit for one named carer/partner please speak to the staff caring for you on the ward. They can only accept visiting by pre-arranged appointment.