A HOSPITAL trust has responded to concerns that staff who had been in contact with someone who tested positive for Covid-19 were not allowed to self-isolate.

It was claimed that a member of security staff at the Bradford Royal Infirmary, part of the Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, tested positive for the virus, and was in direct contact with other security guards, but they were told they could not self-isolate. 

In response to the concerns, a spokesperson for the Trust said the health and safety of staff, patients and visitors is "an absolute priority".

They said: "As such, all staff follow infection control guidance to always wear appropriate PPE, be scrupulous about infection prevention and control and maintain social distancing when on breaks or travelling to and from work.

“Because NHS staff wear PPE appropriate for the environment they work in, if a colleague develops Covid symptoms there is no need for colleagues to self-isolate unless they show symptoms themselves.

“We have a fast-track testing system for any staff with symptoms and also for members of their immediate household, if they develop symptoms too.

"If any member of staff is concerned about their individual risk, a referral can be made to occupational health for a full risk assessment, in addition to the self-assessments carried out within every team.”