Green-aware pupils at St Francis Catholic Primary School, Bradford, have won a prestigious design competition.

To mark the 150th anniversary of Santander, parent company of Bradford-based finance giant Abbey, schools throughout the UK were asked to design an eco-friendly garden for a children's hospice.

And pupils at St Francis primary finished top of the tree. Their design will become reality at a children's hospice yet to be named during 2008.

For their efforts, the school has received a cash prize of £500 and will have a total of 30 trees planted at their school by workers from The Tree Appeal.

Class teacher Chris Albrow said: "We are very pleased that we took part. The children really enjoyed designing the eco-friendly garden and it tied in nicely with a number of subjects across the curriculum.

"The cash prize will be used for educational materials and is much appreciated, and being told we are the winners with our design becoming a reality in 2008 at a children's hospice is very exciting."

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