A SHIPLEY firm has been named the regional SME Manufacturer of the Year by Make UK, the manufacturers' organisation.

Produmax, which makes high precision components and assemblies for sectors such as aerospace, defence and optics, was recognised at the virtual awards ceremony for the North East and Yorkshire and Humber.

The SME Manufacturer of the Year award was developed to champion businesses who have blazed a trail within the manufacturing sector. Winning criteria include leading by example, developing progressive best practice for others in the industry and showing exceptional initiative and exemplary management practices.

June Smith of Make UK said: “These awards are a testament to the dynamic companies and individuals working within engineering and manufacturing. The sector has been at the heart of delivering during the crisis and as we re-build our economy there will be a bright future for companies and individuals that make the most of their talent.”

Produmax finance director Mandy Ridyard said: "We're delighted with this award as it recognises the passion and resilience of the whole Produmax family. Our incredible growth pre COVID and resilience since the pandemic is due to our dynamic team of people.”

The firm will now go forward to the national finals to compete against other regional winners across the UK.