A safe play area for toddlers in Silsden Park has been finished - thanks to a grant from landfill tax credits.

The play area, which is due to be officially opened in the New Year, cost a total of £53,000.

Yorventure - which distributes landfill tax credits generated by the Skibeden landfill site, near Skipton - donated £35,000.

The play area project, which was developed by Silsden Youth Council, was supported by Bradford Parks and Landscape Services in response to requests from parents wanting to see new equipment and safer surfacing.

In addition to the Yorventure grant, funding was also secured from section 106 monies, from Silsden Town Council and from individuals.

Town councillor Pat Bottomley said: "There are more visitors to the park and children are enjoying playing on the new equipment. Our thanks go to Yorventure, Yorwaste, Bradford Parks and Landscapes and both the town and youth councils."