T&A readers have been sending in photos of their newborns - and these are the latest beautiful babies bringing a ray of sunshine to families across the district.

Pictured above are:

Isabella-Emilia Revill, born at BRI on June 5, 6lb 5oz, to Martyna Bartoszewicz of Holme Wood. A little sister for Jacob and Olivia

Says Martyna: "Isabella was born while we were on lockdown. But we enjoyed the time off the kids' school and to spend all that time at home with our new bundle of joy."

Jessica Evie Ann Brooks, born at BRI on September 8, 7lb 2oz, to Laura Brooks and Junior Hastie of Frizinghall. A little sister for Georgina-Catherine Ann Brooks.

Says Laura: "I was in active labour by the time I got to the hospital and was taken straight to the labour ward. I arrived at 11.30am and Jess was born at 1.31pm and we were back home snuggled up by 7pm. A very different experience second time round."

Bleu Stephen Erangey, born at BRI on July 24, 8lb 5oz, to Katie Mcevoy and Connor Erangey. A little brother for Brinley Hutchinson.

Says Katie: "I was induced on July 23, I spent 12 hours alone as I was not allowed my birth partner until I was put on the labour ward due to Covid. My partner came just as I was ready to have my waters broken. The baby came quickly after that, everything went well and could not have gone more perfect. Thankyou so much to the midwives, we had an amazing birth."

Jasper Kirtley-Wright, born on September 29, 8lb 13oz, to Gareth Wright and Hollie Kirtley of Thornton. A little brother for Charlie.

Says Gareth: "Lockdown wasn't good to us during the pregnancy, with Daddy not being able to attend scans and the rare midwife appointments mummy had to attend alone. Unable to see family and friends to show off bump, thank goodness for video calls.

"Add to lockdown pregnancy, we moved house at eight months pregnant! It all seems a long time ago now Jasper has arrived. Both mum and Jasper are doing great. I couldn't be prouder of Hollie bringing Jasper into our lives, he is perfect."

Bella-Rose Ann Williams, born on July 2, 5lb 8oz, to Shannon Mcintosh and Lewis Williams. A little sister for Phoenix and Jasper Williams.

Says Shannon: "Having a baby during a pandemic was horrible yet an amazing experience. I got told I could never have children so I was over the moon when I found out I was pregnant!

"Now my baby girl has two big (twin) brothers to look out for her as well as me and her daddy."

Because of restrictions due to the pandemic, many mums are going into hospital alone and going through the birth process

without a loved one by their side. But it’s also a special time to be born, and we hope these picture galleries will become treasured keepsakes.

● Share your photos here