Ten dog waste bins have been installed along the Leeds-Liverpool canal towpath, thanks to £10,000 from British Waterways.

The action follows a campaign by canal bosses, Bradford Council and Riddlesden and Morton Urban Village Partnership, which commissioned City Hall's dog warden service to carry out patrols along the stretch.

Terry Singh, Bradford Council's dog/animal services manager, said: "Residents called for action against inconsiderate owners who failed to clean up after their dogs and highlighted the lack of bins to dispose of dog faeces."

Janet Baverstock, British Waterways' business development manager, said: "Dog fouling does give us problems, and we would in fact prefer people to dispose of dog faeces themselves."

Ron Beaumont, chairman of Riddlesden and Morton Urban Village Programme, said: "The new bins will benefit the many responsible dog owners who already clean up after their pets and hopefully encourage those that don't."

For further information or advice call the Dog Warden Service on (01274) 434366.

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