Christmas came early at Bradford hospitals.

Bradford Bulls stars Simon Finnigan and David Solomona were at Bradford Royal Infirmary yesterday to switch on the lights and hand out awards to youngsters who won a design-a-card contest.

More than 100 children took part in the competition and the winning design will go on next year's official cards for Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.

The Trust's deputy corporate affairs manager, Jane Harris, said: "All the entries have been outstanding. It was very difficult choosing the winners. We're delighted with them all."

Pupils at Heaton Primary, Heaton St Barnabus, Park Lane Primary and Clayton Primary schools gathered round the tree at the hospital's main entrance to sing carols - staff and patients also joined in.

Children's design efforts at Heaton Primary Nursery so impressed the judging panel that they all got a prize and were declared group winners of the under-fives category.

Saarthak Shetty, of Clayton Primary School, came tops in the five-six age group with his card; Brooke Garthwaite, also of Clayton Primary, came first in the seven-eight group and Aysha Shafiq of Heaton St Barnabus was the winner of the nine-11 age category.

The BRI's twinkling lights were the first to get switched on, followed by those at St Luke's in the afternoon.

Bradford's Lady Mayoress, Janet Owens, was at St Luke's to perform the ceremony.

Bradford Teaching Hospitals Trust chief executive Miles Scott, who was at the BRI ceremony, said: "The ceremonies are a wonderful way to develop our already strong links with the local community.

"The lights and cards are a great way to decorate our hospitals at a time of year when it can be difficult in hospital."

And Santa Claus, who took time off from his toy workshop to be at the event, had these words of comfort and joy for any young patients who might be on the wards during the festive season.

"It'll be a bit rotten not being able to be at home for Christmas but we'll have lots of fun on the wards. There'll be lots of jelly and buns and presents, and of course there are unrestricted visiting times so there won't be a shortage of friendly faces!"

While Santa was there, even the Bulls took the opportunity to sneak a word with him and make their own Christmas wishes.

David Solomona said: "I'm asking for more sunshine," and his team-mate Simon Finnigan added: "I'd like a Wii games console."