A teenager who tried to give police the slip by driving at speed along narrow residential streets has been locked up for six months.

Sending 19-year-old Saqib Rahman to a young offender's institution, Judge Robert Bartfield said: "It is a miracle nobody was killed, let alone seriously injured.

"Anyone viewing the police video, as I have, would be horrified."

Rahman, of Fairbank Road, Girlington, Bradford, pleaded guilty at the city's Crown Court yesterday to dangerous driving, having no insurance and having no driving licence.

He was also banned from driving for 18 months and will have to take an extended test before driving again.

Ewan McLachlan, prosecuting, said a police traffic officer saw a green Peugeot 306 in Undercliffe one Sunday afternoon in August. After learning the car had no insurance he attempted to stop it, but after initially slowing down it accelerated away.

During a five-minute pursuit, the car was driven at up to 70mph, went through a red light and forced several other vehicles to swerve to avoid a collision.

Rahman - who had two passengers inside - drove at speed down several residential streets and narrowly avoided hitting two pedestrians.

Smoke was coming from the car's tyres as the pursuit continued. It ended when Rahman lost control and collided with two parked vehicles.

Elyas Patel, mitigating, said it was an "appalling piece of bad driving" but fortunately no-one had been injured.

He had bought the car two days earlier for £800 and had intended to sell it on.