Youngsters with a bright future in marketing have been honoured in a Telegraph & Argus competition.

Every year, local pupils get to design adverts to go in our Ad Attack supplement.

Children from six of the district's schools submitted an array of designs based on briefs from local companies.

Participants had to take information and promotional slogans and express them in a clear, eye-catching way.

Judges had a hard task picking out a winner and two runners up.

Taking first place was Hanson School pupil Len Collett, 14, of Falmouth Avenue, Undercliffe, Brad-ford, for his design for Skipton-based Homebrands. His slogan Where Comfort Costs Less' was a winner with the judges.

"I like design and like to take normal objects and make them look human," said Len who was rewarded for his efforts with an MP3 player.

St Joseph's pupil Abbey Aaron, 11, of Brookfield Road, Barkerend, Bradford, claimed a runner up prize for her bold design advertising Bradford hardware store Uriah Woodhead and Son Ltd. She won four tickets for the Cineworld cinema.

Also runner up was Sarah Brooke, 12, of Haworth Road, Heaton, Bradford, a pupil at the Girls' Grammar School, Bradford. Her advertisement was for Leaventhorpe Hall Equestrian Supplies Store. Her prize was a bag of stationery.

Schoolchildren gained an insight into how designers work to a strict brief. Many of the entries featured in our special supplement last month.